Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The quest for a new Tramontana spot

For years we have enjoyed the privilege of surfing Tramontana side shore conditions at our place of dreams "Beauduc". As we earlier wrote is this spot not accessible by our surf mobile anymore. As northwest wind (Tramontana) is besides Mistral (north wind) the main wind direction here in South France, we had to find a new spot.

After some careful search in our Holy Book (Europe Kite Atlas) we got confirmation on what we most feared. There aren't that many, to be exact, exactly one which fits our criteria. 

1. Accessible by our surf mobile (no hight restrictions on parkings)
2. Possibility to camp wild or camping area right at the beach

So we made our way to Le Jai, which we have visited already last year and got a great, yet very busy session at a strong Mistral. This time, forecast was one day Mistral and then Tramontana. Neither one of the winds gave us its full force or most ultimate conditions, but a great session anyhow.

We had a good time with friends and truly the only worry that crossed our mind was the knowledge of the water in the Le Jai -bay being the most polluted water in entire France. The spot is not recommended for beginners since they tend to spend too much time in the water. Scary and worrying. One might wonder if the illuminating effects we run upon in the night were results to the water…

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